☆National Museum of Nature and Science☆

Although there are so many museums of art and science in Tokyo, the National Museum of Nature and Science is definitely one of the most huge and interesting museums.

The front of the old building.
The outside of the old building.

When I was in Melbourne, the Melbourne Museum was the greatest.

When I went to London, the Museum of London was the best.

When I visited New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was fabulous.

However, the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo is also one of the world-class museums.

It's been a long while since I visited here last time and I've noticed that it was expanded double in size and exhibits. So it was very difficult to look at all the sections at one time.

This time, I mainly watched areas in the new building and the old building itself.

This area's theme was from the very first time of the earth's birth to the first people.

This is Lucy, one of the most well-known human ancestors.

In terms of the old building, it was built in 1931.
You can enjoy not only exhibits but also the building itself.

The biggest ammonite.

Foucault pendulum

I'm adding that you can enjoy lunch like this as well.
It would be a good place to stay all day and learn an incredible volume of things.
It's just a few minutes from Ueno Station. 
Why don't you add here to your next visit to Tokyo?
