☆New Job☆

It's been a while since the last post.
I accidentally started to work as a temp-staff this Monday.
Why was it accidentally?

This was the long story.

I've been seeking a job since I went back to Japan in July but I never got a chance and even met them.😭 
I used online sites like SEEK and I've applied for about 100 companies.
As a result, no reply. 
It wasn't because of my age, was it?

Recently, I was really tired of applying for jobs and almost gave up to. πŸ˜“
However, I registered a tempo-staff company and they provided some information about a job at a university. 
First, I applied for the job, which included dealing with international students. It seemed like a good chance to use my English skill. 
However, the university denied me and it was a so sad story. 😱
Despite that circumstance, the tempo-staff company provided me with an alternative job which I'm now doing. 
This is the university, one of the famous national universities.
The buildings are beautiful, old, and aesthetic. 
There are some statues which were famous persons that I didn't know at all.
But the sad truth is gardens; they are not maintained at all.πŸ˜–
While I was in Melbourne, all the gardens were well manicured. So I always felt comfortable even though I was tired after work or study.

What's going on here?πŸ˜–
Why don't they maintain them?πŸ˜–

If these gardens were beautiful, people including students, professors, and neighbours would feel fully relax.

One of the good things is a student lounge; we eat lunch there at reasonable prices.πŸ’–
Currey and rice is 264 yen (A$3.50)πŸ›
Udon noodle with Soft-boiled egg is 319 yen (A$4.25)🍜

Anyway, it will be a short term but I'm going to enjoy work and lunch.πŸ‘πŸ’–
